Scott attended the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, and told us a little more about himself and why he is running for the Great Lakes Division Director position. Read on to learn more about him and his goals for the ARRL. Good luck Scott! 73

Prior to retirement, I served as a Senior Staff member and Quality Manager in the automotive and defense industry, making strategic decisions and leading the organization towards its goals.
I was responsible for managing a 25-person, three-shift department that was certified under ISO-9001/2000 and AS-9100 Aerospace Standard as well as various other military and ANSI specifications.
I was directly responsible for estimating the needs, and procurement of precision quality assurance equipment to comply with strict military and automotive requirements.
As a volunteer… I’ve held the positions of AEC, DEC, PIC, ASM, SM 7-years. Currently I am serving as your ARRL Vice Director and I also serve as Vice-Chairman of the Richland County Local Emergency Planning Committee here in Richland County.
I have been honored to receive the Joe Knight Distinguished Service Award from the ARRL Board of Directors in 2019 and I received the Allan Severson, AB8P Memorial Award (Ham of the year for Ohio) just this year.
I am an EMCOMM and Traffic Handler at heart. You’ll usually find me on an HF net somewhere passing a message or two — I do like to rag chew a bit on the HF bands whenever I have the opportunity.
I serve on the Emergency Communications & Field Services Committee where I have led the charge to change the Club Commission Program to make it more lucrative and easier for the clubs and also led the charge to make all Affiliated / Special Service Club anniversary dates expire at the same time (December 31) making it much easier for clubs to remember when to renew.
I am a volunteer for the ARRL Foundation where I have interviewed and chosen winners for scholarships for the past 2 years.
I am also the Liaison to the Board of Directors for the Public Relations Committee. This committee is charged with many Public Relations duties including the nomination selections of the Bill Leonard, Professional Journalists Award and the Phil McGan, PIO award.
I am active as a VE for ARRL & LAUREL. I’m an Official Relay Station and an Official Emergency Station.
I created a weekly Ohio Section newsletter that still goes out all over the country, the Handbook Give Away Program and a One Question Questionnaire that is still going strong today.
I was honored last year to help train 22 new section managers and will be helping train this year’s class of 11 this coming weekend.
As Ohio Section Manager, I have had the privilege of working with numerous Zoning Boards and city councils to ensure that Ohio’s ham operators can take full advantage of the protections afforded to them by Ohio’s PRB-1 law.
Through my work, I have been able to help local governments understand the nuances of the law and ensure that Amateur Radio operators are not subject to overly restrictive local regulations.
I am currently working on getting some changes made concerning our Ohio Ham Plates and the awful way that we here in Ohio have to go through to get them renewed.
>> My plan for the first 100 days as Director <<
Every leadership role that I have held has come with an understanding that I would have 100 days to take actions that demonstrate my ability to do the job as your Great Lakes Director. I believe that anyone that is chosen to be your Director should also make this commitment.
I promise the following actions will be completed during the first 100 days after becoming your ARRL Great Lakes Division Director.
I will complete a round of proactive ARRL Leadership and Board outreach discussions. Partnering with the Vice Director we will reach out to them to find common ground and build consensus on a concrete action that we can take in support of the memberships’ needs.
I will take concrete steps to improve Communications and Collaboration within the Great Lakes Division, scheduling regular quarterly Division Cabinet meetings with all of the Section Managers within the Great Lakes Division.
I will modernize our division’s newsletter, making it more robust and interesting. It will incorporate pictures and interesting articles from around the Division and will be easily downloadable for you to save and read anytime on or off-line.
This is just a brief summary of what I’ve been able to accomplish for you. Please, visit my website N8SY.COM for a more in-depth vision that I have for the Great Lakes Division and the ARRL.
Now is even more of a critical time to have solid, experienced leadership on the Board of Directors in order to ensure a stable financial future and a strategic plan for the ARRL going forward.
The Great Lakes Division needs a director who is collaborative, innovative and action-oriented to continue to accomplish these goals.
I am that person. I promise to work hard for you.
I have had extensive ARRL field organization experience at all levels and I am a Life Member of ARRL
I ask for your vote and support.
Feel free to write to me at: or just simply give me a call… I’m listed on page 15 of QST