UPDATE: I have secured help on this item. Thank you. ——- My dear amateur radio friends and compatriots: I could really use some help with an article that I am writing for publication in ARRL’s QEX magazine. The article documents a computer simulation fuse model together with its characterization protocol. You can read its abstract here. I have already solve… Read more »
UPDATE: I have satisfied this need. I NEED HELP Greetings to my dear amateur radio aficionados and other friendly geeks with too much time on their hands. 🙂 I have written a paper for submission to the ARRL QEX magazine describing a fuse model and characterization protocol for conserved computer simulation (i.e. Saber, Ansys Simplorer, LTSpice, etc.). It is nearly… Read more »
Please click on the button below to read a blog post by Wes Cardone (N8QM) presenting thoughts on 5G. Note that no conclusions are presented. The post was written with the amateur radio operator in mind and the knowledge that he or she is expected to process by the FCC. Reach your own conclusions. While the rest of the world… Read more »