Chelsea Computer Related

An Electric Fuse Model for Computer Simulation

Wes Cardone (N8QM) developed a computer simulation model for the electrical fuse some years ago. The plan is to submit the article (fully written as of this writing) to the ARRL QEX for publication after his wire simulation model is published. Since the purpose of a fuse is to protect a subject wire, the applications for this model would be quite limited without a wire model (see below). I am undecided on which to submit first. In any case, I need to get both draft ready for submission.

An Electrical Wire Simulation Model for LTSpice

Wes Cardone (N8QM) has developed a computer simulation model for electrical wires which is described here in rough terms. The plan is to write a detailed article for submission to the ARRL QEX magazine. However, it may be possible to write up the model in such a fashion that it may be picked up by QST.

The origination of this model is based in the computer simulation model for the fuse. The sole purpose of the fuse in life is to protect its downstream wiring. It only makes sense, therefore, that a computer simulation model for a wire must exist if a fuse simulation model is to be of use.

Diode DC Characterization for LTSpice

The ARRL magazine QEX is publishing an article written by our own Wes Cardone (N8QM), which is currently scheduled for the March/April edition of 2023. Page 1 is shown here. After publication, we will likely put up the whole article here.

This article documents in detail a solution for the DC characterization arguments of the silicon diode, given standard manufacturer specifications.

Article for CQ Magazine Publication: Repeater Announcements

Chelsea Amateur Radio Club member Wes Cardone (N8QM) is writing an article for publication with the CQ Magazine. The article will center on how to go about programming a repeater controller to give periodic announcements that are interdependent and preemptive.
