Events that are Regularly Occurring

2-Meter Net Each Tuesday at 8:00PM

The Chelsea Amateur Radio Club sponsors a 2-meter net each Tuesday evening at 8:00PM except on the 2nd Tuesday of each month when we have the monthly club meeting.

The repeater detailed information can be found here. The net is open to all licensed amateurs in the coverage area and features discussion on topics of interest to amateur radio operators.

Saturday Morning Breakfast

The Chelsea Amateur Radio Club meets for breakfast on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month at Stiver’s Restaurant in Chelsea at 9 AM. When you arrive, please either ask the wait staff where to find the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club table or just look for the handi talkies.

The club repeater (WD8IEL) announces these breakfasts on the Friday evening preceding and the morning of a breakfast. The Saturday morning announcement may be heard on the repeater at 8:25 AM. We are able to command the repeater programming by laptop from anywhere there is wifi service so in the event that breakfast is canceled, we are able to command the repeater to reflect that.

Club Monthly Meetings

The club meets monthly. For details and information, visit the web page linked here. Until recently we have been meeting by video conference. However, we are now meeting in person at the Chelsea Police Station AND by video conference.

Meetings start with an informative presentation of general interest to amateur radio enthusiasts. It is then followed with a business meeting so that visitors may see the presentation but not have to wade through all of the mumbo-jumbo of administrative things.

For updated information, please contact one of the club officers
