- Adrian, Michigan 2022 Hamfest (56 minutes)
- Informal Ham thoughts, Emergency Communications (13 minutes)
- 2021 Kalamazoo, Michigan, Hamfest & Antique Radio Swap Meet (48 minutes)
- ARDC: Grants by Dan Romanchik (KB6NU) (47 minutes)
- The University of Michigan Ham Shack (23 minutes)
This one was not edited much and might be boring. - Amateur Satellite Station (7 minutes)
- 2-Meter Simplex, Keeping it Alive (11 minutes)
- Best Ham Radio SmartPhone Apps (2 minutes)
- RepeaterBook.com–Best Practices (14 minutes)
Please remember that RepeaterBook is not an authority. In some rare cases PL tones, for example, are listed incorrectly. Generally speaking, the info For Michigan, the authority is MARC, the Michigan Area Repeater Council (www.miarc.com). This is the organization authorized by the FCC to allocate repeater operations. - Noise Canceling Methods (10 minutes)
This is a David Casler video. Dave has never let us down. He knows his stuff. In this episode, Dave talks about a well pump’s QRM and its neutralization.