Learn the now Free–EZNEC

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Please let us know at the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club if learning to use the free antenna modeling software EZNEC would be of interest to you. What might be a nice course of action in learning EZNEC is a tutorial using EZNEC’s own “Test Drive” tutorial. This is a tutorial provided by the EZNEC antenna modeling software which starts you at the beginning modeling a dipole antenna and then advances you incrementally through the “test drive” advancing as a next step with

  • Along the Straightaway
  • Through the Curves
  • On the Race Course
  • A Lap Around Track 5
  • Takking Car 6 For A Spin and
  • Plus Octane Fill Up

This is a programmed tutorial given in the Help by EZNEC that we at the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club can walk through with you. The authors of EZNEC software have provided a very nice step-by-step tutorial that advances nicely from an elementary design to a sophisticated use of the program. But we need to know first if there is interest in developing this.


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