At the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club we try not to let you down. Last month (February, 2024) we introduced you to the EZNEC antenna modeling software. Our plan for the March meeting (March 12, 2024) is to use either EZNEC or 4NEC2 to model and simulate Jim Grissom’s (KD8RFW) back yard HF trapped vertical antenna. We have not done it… Read more »
It was about two years ago that the EZNEC Antenna Modeling Software was made free. Wes Cardone (N8QM) purchased this software several years ago (before it was made free) and has found it extremely capable and says that it should not be considered as limited to those with extreme electromagnetics knowledge. This stuff is for the average amateur radio operator…. Read more »
Please let us know at the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club if learning to use the free antenna modeling software EZNEC would be of interest to you. What might be a nice course of action in learning EZNEC is a tutorial using EZNEC’s own “Test Drive” tutorial. This is a tutorial provided by the EZNEC antenna modeling software which starts you… Read more »
Chelsea Amateur Radio Club member Wesley Cardone (N8QM) has devised an antenna topology he is calling the “Rail-Pole Antenna.” The reader may already be aware that Wes has consistently maintained that all antennas are merely dipole antennas in disguise and this one is no exception. Wes is willing to give a series of presentations to the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club… Read more »
Let Wes know if you would like to see a club presentation on this antenna that he developed. This presentation would likely be split up into a series of three presentations. While the antenna itself is very basic, understanding what it does and why it does it is very technical.
The July club meeting presentation will be given by Wes Cardone (N8QM) on Resonance. The presentation will be in the simplest terms. This means it may bore you to death but too bad. The initiated in electronics will love it.
Wes Cardone (N8QM) will be presenting about the dipole antenna in tonight’s meeting. See the handout below for downloading.
The Chelsea repeater (WD8IEL), since this trustee assumed its maintenance responsibilities in 2022, has demonstrated an attribute of performance suggesting desensitization. That is, the background RF noise has a magnitude greater than the receiver’s sensitivity. The effect is that the repeater can be heard at a much greater distance than it can be worked. BACKGROUND ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD QUANTIFIED The collective… Read more »
Some of the FCC pool questions may lure you into making a mistake if you don’t pay attention. A good example of this is question E9C01 from the Extra Class section. You might be thinking that 180 degrees is the same as 0 degrees. This is absolutely true for anything that the Smith Chart will solve for you. This may… Read more »
I think that we are all aware of the semi-tractor trailer rigs we see on the highways with dual CB antennas. Obviously, they are trying to direct their propagation forward and to their rear. More than likely, these are simply spliced into a CB transceiver (to their demise) without regard for any specific configuration of transmission or feedline. We found… Read more »