Scott attended the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, and told us a little more about himself and why he is running for the Great Lakes Division Director position. Read on to learn more about him and his goals for the ARRL. Good luck Scott! 73 Prior to retirement, I served as a Senior Staff member… Read more »
Have you tried to look up somebody’s amateur call information lately? Have you run into a brick wall? You are not alone. The ARRL is reporting that an email was sent by the FCC to all VECs informing them of some problems with processing new applications for amateur radio licenses. The natural question to ask is what was the last… Read more »
Wes Cardone gave a presentation of his QEX article at the 2023 annual Chelsea Amateur Radio Club Hamfest Swapmeet. Click here to see the PDF document from the presentation.
Flyer and 2023 CARC Swap Meet Table Reservation Form for the 2023 Chelsea Amateur Radio “Swap n’ Shop” and Electronics Fair Indoor Spaces w/one table $20 — Outdoor Spaces $10 Extra table $10 — Admission $5 per person (children under 18 are FREE) See the web page on this site.
One of our very own, Wesley Cardone (N8QM), has written an article that is published in this month’s QEX magazine. The article features the DC characterization of the diode for computer simulation. The magazine should have arrived at your doorstep in the last couple of days. Click here or the photo above to read all about it.
We need not say much regarding 10G compared to 5G once it is realized that the hand is quicker than the eye. What does the “G” stand for in 5G and 10G? We all probably know that it stands for “generation” and thus there was 4G, 2G, and the list goes on. Isn’t it therefore reasonable to think that the… Read more »
Submitted by Mike (KD8IMZ) is a photograph of recognition of “Amateur Radio Week” by the state of Michigan for the year 2017. As far as we can tell, this recognition was in response to a request by Ralph Katz (AA8RK) in his capacity as ARRL information officer for our district.
Dale Cole (K8TS) of (also for reference) the Jackson Cascades Amateur Radio Society has offered some tips on how to determine when to work a DX station such as the Bouvet operation. Go to: and open the site: As I look at the chart, 30 meters looks best between 1400 and 0100z, 17 meters between 0200 and 1300z with… Read more »
An RC club in Highland, Michigan (north of Milford) was victimized by a robbery. The crooks got 4 solar panels that were 60×40″, 4 large lead-acid batteries, and an EDECOA 2kW inverter. The inverter is green aluminum looking like a pine tree. Keep your eye peeled for these items. Items like these are likely to come across the path of… Read more »