Chelsea Amateur Radio Club September Presentation – ARDF

Joe Burkhead KE8MKR, gave a presentation on Radio Orienteering aka Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) aka fox hunting.  This is an “on foot” competition for transmitter hunting.  “Fox Oring” is a variation of the sport of Amateur Radio Direction Finding and is a timed race in which individual competitors use a topographic map and a magnetic compass to navigate through diverse, wooded… Read more »

Chelsea Amateur Radio Club Meets Scott Yonally, N8SY

Scott attended the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, and told us a little more about himself and why he is running for the Great Lakes Division Director position. Read on to learn more about him and his goals for the ARRL. Good luck Scott! 73 Prior to retirement, I served as a Senior Staff member… Read more »

Foxhunt October 7th Park Lyndon

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Pre-registration required. Joe Burkhead, KE8MKR, ARRL ARDF Committee,, (734) 433-6824 SPECIAL NOTE: Joe will be speaking to the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club (by video conference) on this topic Tuesday, September 12th at 7PM. See this link to login. Hello fellow MI Foxhunters!  Are you ready for beautiful fall colors day in the park hunting down 15 transmitters!!?  If so… Read more »

Utility Pole Interference

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The Chelsea repeater (WD8IEL), since this trustee assumed its maintenance responsibilities in 2022, has demonstrated an attribute of performance suggesting desensitization. That is, the background RF noise has a magnitude greater than the receiver’s sensitivity. The effect is that the repeater can be heard at a much greater distance than it can be worked. BACKGROUND ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD QUANTIFIED The collective… Read more »

FCC Amateur Lookup Down for Maintenance

Have you tried to look up somebody’s amateur call information lately? Have you run into a brick wall? You are not alone. The ARRL is reporting that an email was sent by the FCC to all VECs informing them of some problems with processing new applications for amateur radio licenses. The natural question to ask is what was the last… Read more »