Club Presentation 7-11-2023–The Mighty Dipole Antenna
Wes Cardone (N8QM) will be presenting about the dipole antenna in tonight’s meeting. See the handout below for downloading.
Utility Pole Interference

The Chelsea repeater (WD8IEL), since this trustee assumed its maintenance responsibilities in 2022, has demonstrated an attribute of performance suggesting desensitization. That is, the background RF noise has a magnitude greater than the receiver’s sensitivity. The effect is that the repeater can be heard at a much greater distance than it can be worked. BACKGROUND ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD QUANTIFIED The collective… Read more »
FCC Amateur Lookup Down for Maintenance

Have you tried to look up somebody’s amateur call information lately? Have you run into a brick wall? You are not alone. The ARRL is reporting that an email was sent by the FCC to all VECs informing them of some problems with processing new applications for amateur radio licenses. The natural question to ask is what was the last… Read more »
QEX Article Presentation by Wes Cardone (N8QM)
2023 Manchester Canoe Race
2023 Chelsea Amateur Radio “Swap n’ Shop” and Electronics Fair
Flyer and 2023 CARC Swap Meet Table Reservation Form for the 2023 Chelsea Amateur Radio “Swap n’ Shop” and Electronics Fair Indoor Spaces w/one table $20 — Outdoor Spaces $10 Extra table $10 — Admission $5 per person (children under 18 are FREE) See the web page on this site.
Is Aluminum Electrical Wiring in Your Car’s Future?
In April 1974, two people were killed in a house fire in Hampton Bays, New York. Fire officials determined that the fire was caused by a faulty aluminum wire connection at an outlet. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), “Homes wired with aluminum wire manufactured before 1972 [‘old technology’ aluminum wire] are 55 times more likely to have… Read more »
May 3rd, 2023: RF Exposure Limits and You
The following information was taken from the FCC website identified in the citation below. The FCC pdf document is 65 pages and covers every imaginable situation or question you may have. You have until May 3, 2023 to get this right so you better get crack’n. Many categories and classifications are exempt. But we must ask, “Exempt from what?” No… Read more »
QEX: Chelsea Amateur is Published
One of our very own, Wesley Cardone (N8QM), has written an article that is published in this month’s QEX magazine. The article features the DC characterization of the diode for computer simulation. The magazine should have arrived at your doorstep in the last couple of days. Click here or the photo above to read all about it.